Trade and industry

Addressing the gender disparity in entrepreneurship and the green sector in ASEAN requires targeted policies and initiatives.

Tags: Gender and development, Private sector development, ASEAN, Trade and industry, Information and communications technology

With robots and AI seen to increase productivity, trade, and the creation of new skills, the forthcoming technological developments in robotics and AI need to be welcomed rather than discouraged.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Sustainable Development Goals, Trade and industry

This would entail significant policy change, grant of incentives, and reskilling or upskilling of the region's workforce.

Tags: SEADS 2023, ASEAN, Trade and industry, Regional cooperation and integration, Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy

To unlock these opportunities, however, the region needs joint action from multiple stakeholders to provide regulations, standards, manufacturing sector reforms, and other initiatives.

Tags: SEADS 2023, ASEAN, Technology, Environment, Energy, Trade and industry, Private sector development, Sustainable Development Goals, Transportation

Unlocking the region’s potential for the three opportunities would depend on whether the right enablers are in place, including regulatory policies, business ecosystems, technologies, and funding.

Tags: 2023 Videos, SEADS 2023, ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy, Environment, Private sector development, Sustainable Development Goals, Trade and industry, SEADS2023

This report reveals how to boost the subregion's development based on the countries' physical connectivity and cross-border trade, while also mapping a new corridor. 

Tags: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Regional cooperation and integration, Trade and industry

This book reviews the challenges and opportunities facing GVCs in Southeast Asia as they build greater resilience and promote sustainable, green development for the region and its people.

Tags: ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Trade and industry, Regional cooperation and integration, Sustainable Development Goals

While trade and investment have fueled remarkable economic growth in Asia in recent decades, it has also led to large increases in carbon dioxide emissions in the region—which is more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than any other.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Economics, Trade and industry, Regional cooperation and integration

This report shows how smart trade and investment policies, and regulatory cooperation can help Asia-Pacific economies tackle climate change, recover from the pandemic, and support resilient and sustainable development.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Trade and industry, Regional cooperation and integration, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals, Environment