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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Southeast Asia Development Solutions (SEADS) provides a steady stream of knowledge and insights on new technologies, innovations, and best practices that can help countries in the region address environmental issues, economic and social disparities, and other pressing development challenges.

SEADS facilitates matchmaking, leverages on engagements, supports knowledge sharing, and provides capacity-building opportunities for ADB member countries.


Polytechnics Education Development Project in Indonesia. Photo credit: ADB.

Contributing Partners

ADB SEADS  partners with organizations and businesses to deliver tested solutions and technologies that improve people’s lives. All SEADS Contributing Partners are recognized on the SEADS website. 

Here are our Partners in Solutions, who are sharing insights, innovations, and expertise to bring these solutions to our stakeholders in the region.


SEADS Team Manager 
Jason Rush
Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist

SEADS Partnership and General Inquiries 
Jason Bogovich 
Lead Consultant