Trade and industry
Annabel Lee, director of digital policy for Asia–Pacific and Japan, and ASEAN at Amazon Web Services, talks about DEFA and its potential to double the size of the region's digital economy.
Tags: ASEAN, Information and communications technology, Economy, Trade and industry, Experts Talk
This report examines the progress of trade facilitation in Asia–Pacific and evaluates the impact of trade facilitation initiatives on trade costs and overall trade.
The report considers how deeper regional integration and greener growth can bolster trade and act as a buffer against future shocks.
Tags: Trade and industry, Economy, Climate change and disaster risk management
Foreign direct investment flows to the region hit a record $224 billion in 2022.
Tags: Trade and industry, Economy, ASEAN
The agreement could double the size of ASEAN's digital economy by 2030 and help MSMEs and startups in the region embrace digital transformation.
Tags: Information and communications technology, Trade and industry, ASEAN, Private sector development
The region is strategically located as a gateway to the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and ASEAN markets, including the BIMP-EAGA subregion.
The planned Brunei Darussalam–Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines Power Integration may be the next multilateral power trading project.
Tags: Energy, ASEAN, Environment, Trade and industry
An ADB-backed program is helping the country improve its investment climate to attain high-income status by 2045 and transition to a low-carbon economy.
Tags: Indonesia, Economy, SMEs, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals, Trade and industry
This report from ADB provides an economic forecast for developing countries in the Asia–Pacific for 2023 and 2024.
Tags: Economy, Tourism, Finance, Trade and industry
The loan will support programs that will create an enabling environment for investments, ease trade barriers, and upscale enterprises.
Tags: Indonesia, Sustainable Development Goals, Governance and public sector management, Trade and industry, Private sector development