
This report analyzes the prospects for tech startups in agriculture, the green economy, health, and education.

Tags: Indonesia, Finance, Information and communications technology, Economics, Agriculture and food security, Health, Education, Private sector development

The report discusses challenges facing tech startups in the Philippines and provides recommendations.

Tags: Philippines, Private sector development, Information and communications technology, Economics

This publication highlights brighter economic prospects for Asia and the Pacific amid ongoing challenges. It forecasts growth across the region’s developing economies of 4.8% this year and in 2024, up from 4.2% in 2022.

Tags: Economics, COVID-19, ASEAN

Growth forecasts for developing Asia’s economies are looking brighter, with 4.8% growth projection this year and next year compared to the 4.2% growth in 2022.

Tags: Economics, COVID-19, ASEAN

While trade and investment have fueled remarkable economic growth in Asia in recent decades, it has also led to large increases in carbon dioxide emissions in the region—which is more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than any other.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Economics, Trade and industry, Regional cooperation and integration

This report from ADB provides updated economic projections, revising growth forecasts for developing Asia down slightly from 4.3% to 4.2% in 2022 and from 4.9% to 4.6% in 2023.

Tags: Economics, COVID-19

Monetary policy tightening by central banks globally and in the region, the protracted Russian invasion of Ukraine, and recurring lockdowns in the People’s Republic of China are slowing down developing Asia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: Economics, COVID-19, Sustainable Development Goals, Social development and poverty

This report analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and includes forecasts on the inflation and gross domestic product growth rates of countries throughout the region.

Tags: Economics, COVID-19, SMEs, Private sector development

This annual flagship report from ADB provides key economic, financial, social, and environmental data as well as select indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Tags: Economics, Sustainable Development Goals, Environment, Health, Finance, Governance and public sector management, Trade and industry, Social development and poverty

This report assesses the current ecosystem for tech-based startups in Cambodia, focusing on agriculture, education, health, and climate change.

Tags: Cambodia, Information and communications technology, Economics, Private sector development, Agriculture and food security, Education, Health, Climate change and disaster risk management