
Intellectual property and other intangible assets needed to help Southeast Asia meet net zero goals.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Environment, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management

Given that buildings and the wider built environment contribute more than a third of the total greenhouse gas emissions emitted continuously into the Earth’s atmosphere, action is urgently needed to decarbonize the property sector.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Information and communications technology, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Urban development

This publication highlights evidence-based approaches for advancing decarbonization across sectors.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy, Environment, Transportation

The assistance will support Viet Nam’s efforts to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions and expand high-tech manufacturing industries.

Tags: Transportation, Viet Nam, Environment, Information and communications technology, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy

Energy demand in Southeast Asia is projected to triple by 2050 in the absence of new policies to accelerate clean energy transition.

Tags: Energy, Information and communications technology, Environment, ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management

Being among the world’s most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, Southeast Asia risks seeing millions thrown back into extreme poverty due to extreme weather.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, ASEAN

The islands need to determine their capacity limits for tourism to reduce pressure on marine ecosystems.

Tags: Philippines, Environment, Tourism

The assistance expands ADB’s support for food security in the region, where nearly 1.1 billion people lack healthy diets due to poverty and high food prices.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment