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Explore insights on solutions, case studies, best practices, and innovations addressing development challenges facing countries across Southeast Asia.  

High-value horticulture in Viet Nam

Free short-term training helps mom-of-two retool and leave a low-paying job.

The Malalison Island solar photovoltaic hybrid power plant consists of a 50-kilowatt photovoltaic system with 273-kilowatt-hour lithium‑ion batteries and a 54-kilowatt diesel back‑up generator designed to produce 200 kilowatts power, around the clock. Photo credit: Courtesy of the Energy Sector Office, ADB.

For the people living on Malalison Island in the Philippines, getting 24/7 electricity supply has been life-changing.

Electric vehicle charging station in Viet Nam. Photo credit: ADB.

Policy recommendations include facilitating affordable and efficient home and near-home charging and supporting the establishment of fast-charging networks.

Once applied, biochar enhances soil structure, helps retain moisture, and increases nutrient availability, thus boosting crop yields—a crucial factor in building a sustainable agricultural system. Photo courtesy of Helvetas.

A project supported by the European Union helps a company deal with agricultural wastes, while providing clean heat for drying cocoa beans.

High-quality education and skills development remain significant challenges for ASEAN, as evidenced by key international metrics. Photo credit: ADB.

Fostering a supportive ecosystem for talent attraction and retention is essential to encourage innovation-driven growth in host countries and local communities.

Duong Khanh Ly inspects a solar-powered tea-drying facility in northeast Viet Nam. Photo credit: Courtesy of Duong Khanh Ly.

With the loans, women and other marginalized groups have been able to purchase renewable energy equipment and other clean technologies.