Southeast Asia Sustainable Tourism Hub
Tourism in Southeast Asia is rebounding strongly as the region builds resilience to future shocks. ADB is committed to supporting the region with finance, capacity development, and knowledge solutions to foster inclusive and sustainable tourism.

Inclusive and Sustainable Tourism
Imbalanced tourism, environmental degradation, and climate change continue to affect destinations across Southeast Asia. Countries also face new challenges—including shortages of well-trained tourism workers and the need to help small business keep up with rapid digitalization. Addressing these concerns is critical to promote inclusive and sustainable tourism transformations in the region.
What We Do
The Southeast Asia Sustainable Tourism Hub is anchored in ADB’s Southeast Asia Department, Urban Development and Water Division. It brings together diverse expertise from within and outside of ADB to help clients develop and finance innovative tourism projects, build destination management capacity, and provide knowledge solutions that align with ADB Strategy 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Our regional perspective, strong country presence, and partnerships enable us to deliver quality development solutions for Southeast Asia’s tourism industry.


Southeast Asia Sustainable Tourism Facility
The technical assistance facility will help countries in Southeast Asia prepare sustainable tourism projects and catalyze financing to support them. It supports regional priorities to revive tourism, develop green and resilient urban and transport infrastructure in secondary cities, accelerate inclusive digital transformations, and mobilize domestic resources.

Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam: Second GMS Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive
Growth Project
The project is financing climate-resilient roads, water transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure, and capacity development needed to boost and better manage tourism in Cambodia’s coastal areas, Lao PDR’s Champasak, Luang Prabang, and Vientiane Provinces, and several secondary towns in Viet Nam.

Cambodia: Community-Based Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Project
The Community-Based Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Project will help communities in Preah Vihear and Takeo provinces generate local jobs and income by improving tourism services infrastructure, enhancing visitor experiences, and strengthening tourism supply chain linkages.