
The project will strengthen value chains of competitive agricultural products (cassava, mangoes, cashew nuts, vegetables, and native chicken) in selected provinces.

Tags: Cambodia, Agriculture and food security, GFH Operations

The project provides comprehensive support to Cambodia’s clean energy transformation and help the country move away from fossil fuels.

Tags: Cambodia, Energy, GFH Operations

The project is ADB's first significant investment in marine fisheries and represents a milestone for ADB’s Action Plan for Healthy Oceans and Sustainable Blue Economies.

Tags: Cambodia, Agriculture, Sustainable Development Goals, Environment, GFH Operations

This brief explains the critical role small firms play in Southeast Asia's economy and what measures are needed to help them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: Private sector development, ASEAN, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam

A project to pilot a smart solid waste management system together with smart financial management solutions is on top of the agenda to address the city's needs.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals, ASEAN, Cambodia

This report examines why Southeast Asian countries need to consider fresh taxation policies after many struggled to finance massive public expenditure programs to combat COVID-19.

Tags: Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Finance, Governance and public sector management

This report assesses the current ecosystem for tech-based startups in Cambodia, focusing on agriculture, education, health, and climate change.

Tags: Cambodia, Information and communications technology, Economics, Private sector development, Agriculture and food security, Education, Health, Climate change and disaster risk management

This report highlights why Southeast Asian countries need to design pandemic recovery policies that balance socioeconomic gains with environmental sustainability.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals, Energy, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Climate change and disaster risk management

Big data applications can enhance the delivery of education, health, and social welfare services and speed up recovery from the pandemic.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Sustainable Development Goals, ASEAN, Education, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Governance and public sector management

While many Southeast Asian nations have aggressively shifted into the digital economy, when it comes to education, the advances are not reaching all places and groups at the same rate.

Tags: Education, Information and communications technology, Cambodia, COVID-19, ASEAN