
The guide prescribes proven strategies to achieve sustainable urban cooling, with scores of case studies.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment

Google working to highlight sustainable options for people who travel, says Richard T. Holden director for product management.

Tags: Tourism, Environment

The new funding will go to the ASEAN Green Recovery Platform, which backs low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure projects.

Tags: COVID-19, Economy, Environment, Finance

The framework sets out an ambitious long-term vision for a circular economy in ASEAN. 

Tags: SEADS 2023, Environment, ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management

Latest climate promises for 2030 put the world on track for a temperature rise this century of at least 2.7°C, says UNEP report.

Tags: Environment

Sherry Madera of the London Stock Exchange Group looks at how across Asia, there is evidence of countries prioritizing adaptation measures to boost climate resilience.

Tags: Environment, Economy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals

The expanded climate finance ambition is a key element of ADB's efforts to support developing member countries.

Tags: Environment, Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management

Kate Brandt, chief sustainability officer at Google, says the open data platform allows anyone to analyze the restoration potential of any place on Earth.

Tags: Environment, Information and communications technology, Sustainable Development Goals, Climate change and disaster risk management

Cloud computing can accelerate innovation on the path to net-zero carbon, says Quint Simon, head of public policy, Asia-Pacific & Japan at Amazon Web Services.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Information and communications technology, Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals

The platform will provide concessional capital and address policy and regulatory constraints hampering private investments in sustainable infrastructure.

Tags: Environment, Finance