
Indonesia’s new long-term low-carbon and climate resilience strategy—which includes aspirations to reach net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner—is a sign the nation can be a leader for climate ambition.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Indonesia, Environment, Energy

Assistance will support countries in phasing out coal-fired power generation assets and scaling up renewable energy, among others.

Tags: Energy

As sustainable finance continues to gain traction across Asia, will 2021 become synonymous with environmental, social, and governance investments and the greening of the region’s financial ecosystem?

Tags: Energy, Environment, Finance

This paper looks at how unmanned aerial systems, like drones, are helping address challenges in the energy sector.

Tags: Energy, Information and communications technology

The region needs to avoid fossil fuels, switch to low-carbon fuels, deploy more renewable energy projects, and improve energy efficiency, among others.

Tags: SEADS 2023, Environment, Energy, Information and communications technology, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals

The transition will give banks time to identify specific actions in integrating sustainable finance principles.

Tags: Philippines, Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Energy, Social development and poverty

While COVID-19 continues to wreak socio-economic havoc across the region, the recovery provides a unique opportunity to fast track the transition toward green growth.

Tags: ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy, Environment, COVID-19, Indonesia, Philippines, Viet Nam

A report examines initiatives to promote green finance and recommends measures to attract more investments in green infrastructure.

Tags: Philippines, Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Energy