
Reaching Financial Equality for Women (2023 Edition)

Reaching Financial Equality for Women (2023 edition) cover page.

Women’s economic and financial inclusion has resulted in numerous benefits, including job creation, greater business resilience, customer retention and expansion, increased agricultural output, poverty reduction, as well as women’s economic empowerment.

However, many women still lack access to formal identification, and thus are unable to open a bank account, own property, or develop a credit history, which are essential to save, build assets, secure a loan, or open or expand a business.

While governments and companies have increasingly prioritized women's economic and financial inclusion during the past decade, much more needs to be done.

This publication details a 10-point action plan to reach financial equity for women. The action plan aims to help end the continued economic exclusion of women and build more resilient national economies.


  • Introduction
  • Champion Voices
  • 10 Actions
  1. Digitize Private Sector Payments
  2. Digitize Payments of Government Social Benefits
  3. Outlaw Discrimination Against Women
  4. Ensure Universal Access to Identification
  5. End the Gender Gap in Mobile Phone Ownership
  6. Hire Women at Banks and Mobile Network Operators
  7. Collect, Analyze, and Use Sex-Aggregated Data 
  8. Design Appropriate and Affordable Financial Products for Women
  9. Help Women Benefit from E-commerce Opportunities
  10. Create and Enforce Strong Consumer Protection Mechanisms

Published September 2023.
Source: Better Than Cash Alliance

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