
This brief tracks how Southeast Asian countries are using smart technologies to make their tourism sectors more competitive, inclusive, and sustainable.
This brief analyzes the importance of Thailand’s short-term rentals to tourism and shows how fully regulating the rental segment would benefit tourists, providers, and the state.
This brochure provides highlights from ADB’s Southeast Asia Development Symposium 2023: Imagining a Net-Zero ASEAN event which explored how the region can ramp up efforts to decarbonize and target low-carbon growth.
This brief examines the state of alternative accommodations in Southeast Asia and presents policy recommendations to strengthen their regulation and management.
This report from ADB provides an economic forecast for developing countries in the Asia–Pacific for 2023 and 2024.
This report reveals strategies to help Southeast Asian countries rebuild a greener, more resilient aviation industry.
This report examines the participation of women in tourism and assesses the sector's contribution to advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls. 
This publication recaps proceedings during ADB's Southeast Asia Development Symposium 2022. It highlights the solutions that address challenges from the pandemic.
This publication, which provides a tourism recovery communications plan and toolkit, was jointly prepared by BIMP-EAGA and IMT-GT.
This case study brief shares insights from pilot projects in the Philippines on how nature-based solutions can strengthen flood risk management in cost-effective ways.
This brief provides a better understanding of the approaches and experiences in conducting carrying capacity assessments at key coral reef ecotourism sites in Coron and El Nido. 
This report outlines key trends in the tourism sector in the region before the outbreak and during the pandemic from early 2020 to the end of 2021 and recommends how governments can foster recovery in the sector.