
Disaster Recovery Planning: Explanatory Note and Case Study


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides support to its developing member countries through robust analysis such as the post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA). The PDNA creates a strategic entry point for timely and resilient recovery that integrates the build back better approach though sectoral projects. As such, ADB deploys staff and consultants to support its disaster-affected developing member countries, and provides technical support for the preparation of PDNAs, recovery plans, and projects, in collaboration with other partners.

This publication outlines why post-disaster needs assessments (PDNA) should provide comprehensive details of the economic and social impacts of disasters on countries to swiftly mobilize resources and support resilient recovery.

Using a theoretical case study highlighting the aftermath of an earthquake and subsequent flooding, the publication shows how the cost to property, infrastructure, and production can be calculated and built into a PDNA. It illustrates why PDNAs should consider key sectors such as health and energy, and factor the macroeconomic and personal impacts of catastrophic events into the total estimate of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.


  • Explanatory Note
  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of Recovery and Reconstruction
  3. Requirements of the Estimation of Damage and Losses
  4. Procedures to Estimate Recovery and Reconstruction Needs
  5. Estimation of Recovery Needs in Productive Sectors
  6. Estimation of Recovery Needs in Services Sectors
  7. Estimation of Macroeconomic Recovery Needs
  8. Estimation of Personal Income Recovery Needs
  9. Estimation of Food Security Recovery Needs
  • Case Study
  1. Introduction
  2. Description of the Disaster and its Surrounding Areas
  3. Disaster Effects
  4. The Social Impact of the Disaster
  5. Estimate of Recovery and Reconstruction Needs
  6. Social Recovery Needs
  7. Macroeconomic Balance Needs
  8. Fiscal Budget Impact
  9. Balance of Payments Impact

Published June 2023.
Source: Asian Development Bank.

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