
An Ecosystem Approach to Accelerating Sustainable Tourism

An Ecosystem Approach to Accelerating Sustainable Tourism cover.

More than 4 years after the COVID-19 pandemic brought travel to a standstill, international tourism is expected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2024. This is a welcome development for countries and communities that rely on tourist spending; it is also an opportunity to holistically address social and environmental challenges such as overcrowding, greenhouse gas emissions, and ecological deterioration.

This paper provides a taxonomy of tools that policymakers at all levels have used to promote sustainability in the travel and tourism space. While this taxonomy is not comprehensive, it can serve as a tool for public and private sector players who must contend with the distinct social and economic circumstances of their region, country, or community. 


  • Introduction
  • Tackling the key challenges
  • From protecting to empowering travelers
  • Policy taxonomy: An ecosystem approach
  • Conclusion

Published July 2024.
Source: Visa.

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