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Naeeda Crishna Morgado

Naeeda Crishna Morgado

Infrastructure Specialist (Innovation and Green Finance), Southeast Asia Department

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Naeeda Crishna Morgado specializes in green investment and climate policy in developing Asia, based in Beijing. Working as an independent expert since 2018, she supports the Southeast Asia Department’s work on designing innovative finance instruments and manages strategy and partnerships for the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF). Previously, she led several flagship OECD reports on climate and development finance at the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate in Paris, and worked on climate change mitigation in the Greater Mekong Subregion out of the ADB-run Environment Operations Center in Bangkok.

Financing climate action was a key topic at COP27. For the Philippines, on the front lines of the global climate crisis, it is a make-or-break question.
Southeast Asia needs to rapidly mobilize private funds to meet the region's financial needs of $210 billion per year in adaptation and mitigation investments.