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Get news and updates on initiatives to advance inclusive and sustainable development in the region.

Solar engineers in Indonesia
ASEAN is a major producer and exporter of palm oil, crude rubber, rice, sugar, seafood, and fruits. Photo credit: ADB.

Leaders adopt action plan detailing strategies aimed at optimizing existing approaches and exploring innovative initiatives promoting sustainable agriculture.

The world’s largest semiconductor companies are in Southeast Asia. Photo credit: ADB.

Manufacturing and trade benefited from the global electronics upturn and shifts in global supply chains.

Infoxchange hopes that by leveraging AI, nonprofits will be able to better address challenges in areas including education, environmental sustainability, and financial inclusion. Photo credit: ADB

The grants will help nonprofits tap AI and other innovative technologies to address pressing development challenges and expand their ability to create lasting impact.

The Asian Economic Development Conference promotes high-quality, frontline research on major economic development issues relevant to developing economies in Asia and the Pacific. Photo credit: ADB.

The conference promotes high-quality, frontline research on major economic development issues relevant to developing economies.

The criteria for the transportation and storage sector were aligned where appropriate with relevant sectoral guidelines and regulations, such as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 2023 GHG Emissions strategy. Photo credit: ADB.

Southeast Asia advanced efforts to guide capital and funding toward sustainable activities in carbon-intensive sectors.