Philippines’ COVID-19 Employment Challenge: Labor Market Programs to the Rescue

Advisor, Office of the Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Principal Country Specialist, ADB Philippines Country Office, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Senior Economics Officer, ADB Philippines Country Office, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Programs that support the labor market will be crucial in the years ahead as the Philippines emerges from the pandemic. Photo: ADB.
As the Philippines rebounds from the pandemic, strengthening labor market programs will be critical to help workers and enterprises make the transition.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippines was experiencing its longest ever economic and job expansion. There was remarkable growth in wage and salary employment (a measure of modern employment), growing at an average of 4.6% annually from 2015 to 2019.
This rapid expansion in modern employment was strong enough to pull workers away from the informal sector in such big numbers that total informal employment was shrinking for the first time ever in the Philippines.
Unfortunately, the pandemic reversed some of these gains, wiping out 1.7 million wage and salary jobs in the 12 months to January 2021. In contrast, employment in the informal sector rose by about 435,000. The pandemic could create long lasting effects on employment. Put simply, this temporary large shock to the economy might produce a persistently lower employment rate even after the economy has started to grow again. This phenomenon is known as hysteresis in employment.
There are three transmission channels of the pandemic on modern employment. First, there will be a higher number of jobseekers, including people who lost their jobs, school dropouts and new labor market entrants. The longer laid-off workers and new labor market entrants remain unemployed, the more likely they become less employable in the future because of lost skills.
Second, the pandemic has triggered a large re-allocation of jobs across sectors. While job losses have occurred across most sectors, the hardest-hit sectors are those dependent on personal contact, such as accommodation, food services, transportation, and recreational services. In contrast, the sectors that recover quickly and present positive job growth are those that tend to absorb lower shares of labor such as communications and technology and several higher-skilled services sectors.
While a share of these jobs will return as the economy bounces back, we expect this change in the employment composition to persist in the medium to long term. This divergence will increase skills mismatches in the labor market, as workers do not transition easily between sectors given differences in required skills and experiences.
Third, companies are modifying their business models to rely more on technology, thereby reshaping their workforces and the types of skills demanded by employers. Digital transformation and remote working will transform jobs, facilities, processes, and skills needs, including skills required for higher value-added services. These will further exacerbate the skills mismatch in the labor market.
What are the policy lessons for employment? The early evidence from other countries suggests that policies should support workers’ labor market transitions as well as enterprises. Below we discuss five global best practices for addressing hysteresis in employment.
Wage subsidies. This has proven to be the single most effective tool for saving jobs. It does this by keeping workers attached to their employers during periods of lockdown and slow recovery in business activities. The Philippines’ wage subsidy program of 46 billion pesos in 2020 was well-designed and successfully implemented with 3.1 million workers receiving subsidies. The government is planning for a second round of wage subsidies this time targeted to workers in specific sectors.
Hiring subsidies. As the economic recovery takes hold, governments will phase out wage subsidies and some are considering replacing them with hiring subsidies to help facilitate the reallocation of displaced workers into new jobs.
Workplace skills funding schemes. Countries that have successfully upgraded workers’ skills have done so through industry and employer-led skills training schemes. Skillnet Ireland provides networks of employers with annual matching grants to fund their short-term training of workers. Employers from a sector or locality formalize a network of at least 30 enterprises.
The network is responsible for designing and implementing the training program. In 2013, ADB assisted the Philippines’ Department of Tourism with piloting a similar scheme with tourism enterprises. Forty-eight grants were provided and over 7,000 tourism employees were trained at a cost of 8,000 pesos. This proved a cost-effective model for reskilling workers. This year, ADB is launching a larger pilot for funding enterprise-led skills training programs to assist with reskilling and job transition in tourism, construction, and other selected sectors.
Industry-led apprenticeship programs. In the Philippines, flaws in apprenticeship programs have resulted in an extremely low uptake in apprenticeships creating skills shortages. Drawing on international best practices, apprenticeship reforms should include setting up an apprenticeship council to oversee policy, industry-led development of apprenticeship programs, progressive salary scales, extending apprenticeships from 6 months to 2–4 years, and extending apprenticeship programs to modern services like legal, finance, and communication occupations.
Unemployment insurance. The Philippines’ unemployment insurance scheme offers limited coverage. Adequate unemployment insurance provides workers with income stability and helps them transition to new jobs. A good example is Malaysia’s program, which uses a national pooled insurance fund in which both employers and employees make monthly contributions. The government provides funding if there is a financing gap and workers quality only if involuntarily unemployed. In Chile, another good example, employers and employees make monthly contributions to an account in the name of the employee. This is complemented by the Solidarity Unemployment Fund, which employees can access only after depleting their individual savings accounts. The Chilean scheme does not create contingent fiscal liabilities.
Workers in the Philippines will be facing a challenging next few years as the country rebounds from the pandemic. Further strengthening of active labor market programs will be critical for helping workers and enterprises to make this transition.
This article was first published by Asian Development Blog on 4 June 2021.

Kelly Bird
Advisor, Office of the Director General, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)Kelly Bird was country director for the Philippines at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Prior to the assignment, he was director of the Public Management, Financial Sector and Trade Division in the Southeast Asia Department of ADB. Prior to joining the ADB in 2006, he worked as part of a USAID-funded project with the Indonesian government from 1999 to 2005, and in 2006 as a consultant on trade policy with the World Bank in Jakarta. He graduated with a PhD in economics from the Australian National University in 1999.

Cristina Lozano
Principal Country Specialist, ADB Philippines Country Office, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)Cristina Lozano is principal country specialist at ADB’s Philippines Country Office. Prior to her current position, she was senior economist (public finance) at ADB’s Southeast Asia Department, in the Public Management, Financial Sector and Trade Division covering nine Southeast developing member countries. She also worked in ADB’s East Asia Department covering ADB’s operation in the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia. Prior to joining the ADB she worked in the African Development Bank and in the European Commission (European Union).

Teresa Mendoza
Senior Economics Officer, ADB Philippines Country Office, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)Teresa Mendoza is senior economics officer with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Philippines Country Office. She joined ADB in 2007 after a career in strategic planning and economic analyses in the private sector. She currently supports ADB’s assessments on macroeconomic, structural reforms, and other development issues in the Philippines, as well as the bank’s sovereign lending programs. She holds a master’s degree in development economics from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, where she also obtained her undergraduate degree in economics.