Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Marine Litter Management in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam: Policy Analysis and Opportunities

Publication Type:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
November 2024
This brief compares plans by Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam to tackle plastic pollution and looks at ways to finance programs to reduce marine litter.
Marine litter is a major concern for Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Indonesia is estimated to generate 7.8 million tons of plastic waste annually, with 58% uncollected. About 50% of mismanaged waste ends up in waterways and enters the marine environment through rivers in Java (36.6%) and Sumatra (28.4%).4
The Philippines is estimated to generate 2.7 million tons of plastic waste annually, and 20%–35% of it enters the marine environment. The remaining 33% is disposed of in open dumps or landfills, and only 9% is recycled.
According to the Pollution Control Department of Thailand’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, about 2 million tons of plastic waste were generated every year in the country over the past decade. The uncollected plastic waste and many unsanitary disposal facilities result in an estimated 428 kilotons per year of mismanaged plastic waste.
Between 2.8 million and 3.1 million tons of plastic waste are discharged on land in Viet Nam annually. Of that amount, between 280,000 tons and 730,000 tons enter the ocean. Majority of the waste found in rivers and coastal sites is plastic waste, particularly food packaging, accounting for 94% of the waste by the total number of items and 71% by weight.
Because of the magnitude of the problem facing these countries, their governments have developed and enacted policies to address the sources and impacts of marine litter.
Breaking down how each country handles plastic wastes, the brief assesses their involvement in global and regional frameworks and looks at ways to finance programs to reduce marine litter. It outlines ways the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides lending and technical support and shows how strengthening policy frameworks and stepping up cooperation can help them work toward a cleaner, more sustainable future.
- Background
- Global and Regional Frameworks
- National Policy Frameworks on Marine Litter
- Analysis
- Opportunities for Regional Cooperation
- Opportunities for ADB Support