ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility 2022: Building Southeast Asia’s Green Project Pipelines

Publication Type:
ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) , Asian Development Bank (ADB)
February 2023
This report from ADB presents progress and achievements made by the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility in 2022.
The ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) was launched as a pilot in 2019 by ASEAN governments and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to support governments in the region to prepare and finance infrastructure projects that promote environmental sustainability and fight climate change.
With $1.9 billion in cofinancing funds and technical assistance, the ACGF has, in its first 4 years, successfully supported 39 projects and concepts in different stages of development, with six ACGF-eligible projects approved for financing by the ADB Board of Directors. Together, the projects are estimated to result in the reduction of 408,434 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. The projects also have the potential to catalyze $72 million for capital expenditure and $150 million per year for operations and maintenance expenditure from private, institutional, and commercial funds.
This report from ADB presents progress and achievements made by ACGF in 2022.
- Introduction
- ACGF Modalities and Partnerships
- Lending and Project Origination
- Knowledge and Communications
- Lessons Learned and Priorities for 2023
- Appendix: Knowledge and Capacity Building Support, 2019-2022
Published in February 2023.