Circular Economy in Asia, Africa and Europe: Sharing Knowledge That Makes Value Chains Circular

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This webinar will discuss how knowledge-sharing and dialogue platforms can help promote the circular economy model.
Across the globe, consumption of natural resources has risen dramatically, leading to a host of challenges, including climate change, waste pollution, depleted natural capital, degraded ecosystems, among others.
This is where the circular economy model comes in. This economic model is premised on the idea of keeping resources and products in use for as long as possible and preventing them from ever becoming waste.
In June, the European Union and the ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue, launched the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform to promote knowledge-sharing and dialogue on opportunities and obstacles to shifting to more circular practices, including how new or revised government policies could accelerate such transformation.
Similar platforms and networks are in place across the globe, including the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and the Africa Circular Economy Network.
This webinar, a side event at the World Resources Forum 2023, will discuss how such platforms and networks promote the circular economy model. It will explore how circular economy knowledge can be translated meaningfully into the business world and how the platforms can increase knowledge about circularity along value chains. The webinar will also discuss how these platforms could effectively support sustainable consumption and production practices and feed into policy dialogues with national governments and regional organizations.
The session will leverage expertise and experiences from circular economy stakeholder platforms in ASEAN, Africa, and Europe.