
Asia-Pacific Social Protection Week 2023: Social Protection in a Changing World (APSP)

Venue: ADB Headquarters, Manila
Organizers: Asian Development Bank
Date and time
26 - 28 September 2023
08:00 am - 05:00 pm GMT+8 / Manila Time

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is hosting the 2023 Asia–Pacific Social Protection Week (APSP), with the theme "Social Protection in a Changing World."

This regional event will explore emerging challenges and opportunities related to the role of social protection in responding to post-COVID recovery, systems strengthening, and building resilience, and will serve as a venue for building alliances and networks to strengthen social protection systems in Asia and the Pacific.

Participants will include global social protection experts and practitioners, particularly from developing Asia–Pacific countries, and representatives of the private sector, development agencies, and civil society organizations. They will share development experiences and best practices, ranging from policy to implementation as well as innovations and future directions.

The event will cover a broad range of topics.

APSP will be held in-person at the ADB Headquarters in Manila and will be conducted in English. Selected sessions will be broadcast virtually via Zoom.