Urban development

The event will be streamed live on Friday and is open to the public.

Tags: Urban development, Sustainable Development Goals

ADDO AI's Ayesha Khanna touts the benefits of AI in building smart cities and ensuring an inclusive COVID-19 recovery.

Tags: 2021 Videos, COVID-19, Sustainable Development Goals, Urban development, SEADS 2021

Winner to get $20,000 in seed money to test and adapt the solution in real-world settings.

Tags: Urban development, ASEAN, Climate change and disaster risk management

This paper looks at how cities are adopting technology to meet rising demands on public services and infrastructure.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Urban development, Governance and public sector management, Sustainable Development Goals

To be considered smart, cities should not just be technology-forward, they should also be people-focused.

Tags: Urban development, ASEAN, Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals