Climate change and disaster risk management

Universities can demonstrate crucial leadership in the global race toward net zero as well as serve as living labs that can test solutions at scale. They also have engaged staff and students who are dedicated to combating climate change.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals

The country's shift to net zero is seen to propel high-impact industries, including MSMEs, as well as attract investments and generate job opportunities.

Tags: Malaysia, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment

This publication outlines why post-disaster needs assessments should detail the economic and social impacts of disasters on countries to mobilize resources and support recovery.

Tags: Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment

The solarpunk movement and extended reality share a common ethos rooted in the belief that technology can be harnessed for positive change.

Tags: Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Information and communications technology, Sustainable Development Goals

Investing in downstream LNG infrastructure is not a step back from the region's ambitious climate objectives as long as governments continue adopting clean energy technologies

Tags: ASEAN, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment

This publication describes an innovative financing solution for enhancing both financially bankable as well as environmentally sustainable infrastructure projects.

Tags: Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals, GFH Publications

This report explores green bonds and other instruments that can help finance Indonesia's transition into a low-carbon economy.

Tags: Indonesia, Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Energy, Transportation, GFH Publications

his flyer is about an infrastructure investment platform ADB supports to help Indonesia achieve its targets under the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Tags: Indonesia, Finance, Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Sustainable Development Goals, GFH Publications

This flyer explains how Southeast Asian debt issuers could raise over $1 billion by 2025 through green, social, sustainable, and other labeled bonds to finance climate investments.

Tags: Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Thailand, ASEAN, Sustainable Development Goals, GFH Publications