Viet Nam

The city of Hue in central Viet Nam is looking at nature-based solutions to balance historical asset conservation and urban development as well as enhance climate resilience.

Tags: Viet Nam, Urban development, Climate change and disaster risk management

This brief shows how the project contributed nearly $90 million to the country’s GDP during construction, and is forecast to generate almost $14 million of annual earnings in the next 20 years.

Tags: Viet Nam, Energy, Environment, Climate change and disaster risk management, Economy

This study examines the impact of feed-in tariffs on promoting investments in renewable energy in Southeast Asia.

Tags: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment

The challenge lies in ensuring the decree stops illegal data collection and exchange, which has left more than two-thirds of citizens' personal data unsecured.

Tags: Viet Nam, Information and communications technology

The investment will support the government’s efforts to develop sustainable aquaculture, particularly large-scale farming of barramundi and seaweed.

Tags: Agriculture and food security, Finance, Climate change and disaster risk management, Viet Nam, Environment

The investment aims to reduce carbon emissions in high-usage applications such as last-mile cargo and passenger transport in Viet Nam.

Tags: Transportation, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Technology, Finance, Viet Nam, Environment

This policy brief provides an interdisciplinary perspective for policymakers, financial institutions, and societal actors who are aiming to contribute to the successful implementation of JETP.

Tags: Indonesia, Viet Nam, Energy, Climate change and disaster risk management, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals

This brief explains the critical role small firms play in Southeast Asia's economy and what measures are needed to help them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: Private sector development, ASEAN, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam

The assistance will support Viet Nam’s efforts to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions and expand high-tech manufacturing industries.

Tags: Transportation, Viet Nam, Environment, Information and communications technology, Climate change and disaster risk management, Energy

The initiative aims to digitally upskill gig economy workers and small businesses in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam.

Tags: Information and communications technology, Indonesia, Viet Nam, ASEAN, MSMEs, SMEs, Private sector development, Trade and industry